One thing that strikes me is that AFAIK JW is an extremely prescriptive religion/organisation, in that even those matters that are not laid down in writing are attempted to be influenced by custom or a 'guiding word'. It also sees itself as a global religion and that the laws/principles of it's god transcend those of governments. I know that there have been examples of those conflicts in the past.
Here's an example. Having sex with under-age minors is bad. An easy statement to agree with. But ... what is under-age? In the UK the age of consent is 16. In France 15. In the US I believe it varies from state to state with the minimum age for marriage being as low as 13 (NH or somewhere?). So if my son was 18 and bedded a 15 year old girl he would be a sex offender in UK, a lucky guy in France, and anything between one and the other in US depending on where he was.
This is a bit philosophical for 7:45 am local time but I think about these things in my idle moments (good and bad I mean, not potentially under-age sex). I was for a long time in a job that made me very judgemental and legalistic in my opinions. Since I retired I see things in a much broader perspective and I suspect that 'retirement' for me may not be so much different from 'leaving the organisation' for ex-JWs.